Hands On Science


Program Cycle:

Structure and Change
  - Fall
  - Winter
  - Spring
Science Patterns
  - Fall
  - Winter
  - Spring
  - Fall
  - Winter
  - Spring
Summer Science

Kids' Programs

HOSO develops materials based on current research in hand/mind learning styles and cognitive development. HOSO programs provide an opportunity for "discovery" experimentation. Materials are selected and screened for play value and safety as well as science content consistent with the National Science Education Standards.

Program Cycle
The HOSO program has developed a three year cycle of activities so that any child can attend the program from ages four to twelve without repetition. The themes are Structure and Change, Science Patterns, and Energy. Within these yearly themes, specific topics unrelated to any specific school system's curriculum are provided for the eight-week sessions fall, winter and spring. We are continually refining the activities from the creative input of the staff, adult leaders and children.
Age Groups
The four program age/grade levels are: pre-kindergarten, kindergarten-first grade, second-third grade and fourth-sixth grade.
Class Size
The class groups are small to allow full interaction and participation between adult and students and among the children themselves. School aged programs are prepared for 11 children plus one set of materials for the instructor. Pre-K materials are packaged for a maximum of 20 youngsters guided by two teachers.
Take Home Materials
The program provides all of the project materials needed, except for rulers and scissors. All materials used in the class are taken home by the children as complete projects or implements that may be used in replicating "their experiment" at home.
Summer Programs
HOSO also offers Summer Programs for children in two week sessions. Children experience the pleasure of exploring and discovering the world around them through carefully planned activities with take home materials and guided by trained Adult Leaders.
MATHSMART is a math readiness program for four year olds developed under a grant from The National Science Foundation. The three themes are Geometry, Number, and Chance.


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