Hands On Science


Program Cycle:

Structure and Change
  - Fall
  - Winter
  - Spring
Science Patterns
  - Fall
  - Winter
  - Spring
  - Fall
  - Winter
  - Spring
Summer Science

Structure and Change - Cycle Year 1

Fall - Anatomy
Two Feet, Four Feet
Webs, toes, hoofs and more. What do feet do for us? How do dog footprints compare to cat footprints? Which birds hop and which birds walk? Children will compare footprints to the body structure and habitat of these animals and create a footprint book.

Grades K-1
Featured Creatures
Look at the "hide and seek" of camouflage. Do experiments with wool, cotton and hide samples. Compare movement, self protection and bone structure as they relate to outer animal shapes, through projects, games and explorations.

Grades 2-3
Jaws and Claws
Sharks, alligators, eagles, bears and even people-- everybody's got to eat! How do teeth and beaks give us clues to an animal's diet? What stains and cleans tooth enamel? Take home a real shark's tooth, a plastic eagle talon and more.
Grades 4-6

Clue Club
Can you curl your tongue? How's your reaction time? What's inside the mystery owl pellet? Make connections from your box of bones. How do various embryo pictures compare? How do you find and compare the clues of life on earth?
Winter - Chemistry
Water Chemical Magic
Our most common chemical is the beginning of chemistry for our youngest group. They will compare water absorption properties, make soap balls and lemon hair rinse. They will mix, explore, experiment and measure as you never thought possible.
Grades K-1
Chemistry Detectives
Experiment with mixtures, solutions, acids and bases. Learn how to waft. Make glue from milk. Concoct scented soap balls, bath salts and ink. Help solve the gold paper caper. Children become science sleuths with safe, common substances.
Grades 2-3
Chemistry Creations
Your kitchen has a full laboratory complete with equipment and chemicals. How can you use chemical reactions to identify unknowns? Learn how to safely mix and measure to enjoy the magic of changing colors, liberating gases, and analyzing various antacids.
Grades 4-6
Your Own Mini Lab
Set up a mini-lab by making your own test tube rack as basic equipment. Make cheese, glue, play putty and more. Test for viscosity, solubility, acid/base reactions with safe stuff only. Use your skills to have fun with results.
Spring - Earth Science
What's Up?
What are some signs of erosion? What are parts of flowers? Compare seeds from various plants. What role do insects play? Observe and chart weather patterns over eight weeks. Play games, make models and do projects to explore springtime changes.
Grades K-1
The clouds above and the earth below with so much in between! Make a model of "earth layers" and life on a log. Experiment with porosity. How do different layers around us look, feel and test out? Can you make sand from a rock? What layers do you leave?
Grades 2-3
Rocky Road
Rocks that sparkle, rocks that float. Make your own crystals. Learn to test what you find. How are rocks formed and where do they go over time? Use gemstones to make a piece of jewelry. Geology is fun as you join this class and start your own collection.
Grades 4-6
Terra Quest
What can your amber samples tell you about life on earth? How does your biodot compare to your thermometer? Simulate the effects of acid rain and toxic waste on the environment. Make your own simple instruments to look at the earth, wind and sky.


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